434 Archives
Newspaper clippings from various sources concerning 434 aircrew and the squadron, majority obtained from the The Globe and Mail via Canadian War Museum archives.
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Initially download the pdf file from "Personnel/Crew Downloads", then search for airman name, note his crew number, it will make your search in these "Newspaper Archives" easier as I list the crew number/pilot.
To search a pdf file, enter info (person/item) in box "Find", then it will hilight in article, you can also zoom in.
Bashful reporter Vipond awarded DFC.pdf
(82K)Pilot Currie - Crew 103 -
Bluenose Fly Home to Canada
(87K)Wing Commander J.C. Mulvihill (Crew 164), Pilot Yuill (Crew 147), Pilot Glazer (Crew 158). -
Bluenose visit Dortmund night after Dambuster Raid
(170K)Pilot Cooke - Crew 5 -
Bob Davis downs Night-Fighter.pdf
(43K)Pilot McCullough - Crew 86 -
Bob Pratt coned 5 times.pdf
(55K)Pilot Pratt - Crew 8 -
C.E. Harris and bluespinners.pdf
(130K)Pilot Harris - Crew 1 -
Chris Bartlett raid on Ghent .pdf
(77K)Pilot W/C C.S. Bartlett - Crew 76 & Pilot Johnson - Crew 59 -
Different article on B. Davis.pdf
(52K)Pilot McCullough - Crew 86 -
LInnell Leverkusen raid.pdf
(58K)S/Ldr Linnell - Crew 36 -
McQueen Ditching North Sea.pdf
(109K)Pilot McQueen - Crew 52 -
McQueen dies in battle.pdf
(107K)Pilot McQueen - Crew 52 -
PER ARDUA AD ASTRA - Last Flight Parrot Crew 140.pdf
(1.2M)Biographies of the Parrott Crew including events leading up to their final mission. Also a dedication/memorial in Pesche/Couvin Belgium in 2003. Written by Brian Hart -
Pilot D. Brest from San Francisco versus Flak.pdf
(114K)Pilot Hockey - Crew 3 & Pilot Brest - crew 51 -
S/Ldr Hockey over Berlin
(82K)Pilot Hockey - Crew 3 -
(59K)Pilot Snelgrove (DFC) - Crew 7 -
Tiny Weeks downs Night-Fighter.pdf
(114K)Pilot Perks - Crew 12 -
WC Bartlett on Raid to Cologne
(128K)Pilot Bartlett - Crew 76 -
WingCdr Blackburn at Rhur
(68K)Pilot Blackburn - Crew 124