Aircraft 434 > Lancaster KB844, WL-W, nose art Wimpy?

Hi guys. I am the daughter of Rudy St. Germain, crew 141, T. Coghlan. I believe this was their aircarft and I vaguely remember something about nose art being "Wimpy". Can anyone confirm this was indeed their plane and whether or not "Wimpy"" flew" along with them?? Dad later spent some time with the Jenkins crew (Lady Orchid) but I am looking for a picture of WL-W's nose art, if it existed. Thanks.

June 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne St. Germain

Hello Suzanne,

I am the grandson of Jack Humphrey from 168 crew, and I have a couple of photos that may be of interest to you. Please feel free to contact me at

Kind regards,

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichael McLean

Hi Mike,

I'm Tom Last, the great newphew of Walter Mudie from 168 crew. I'm wanting to research and build a model of the aircraft your grandfather and my great uncle served on. The model along with pictures, info and such will be given within a display case to my Uncle Walters son, Mike Mudie in Calgary. If you have any info and/or pics of the aircraft they served on, I'd greatly appreciate it.

All the best,

October 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTom Last

Hi Tom,

I'm happy to send you what I have, which is not a lot, but may be useful. If you send me an email to I'll forward it on.


October 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichael McLean