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Update for week ending June 25, 2007

Once again numerous additions in the photo gallery, adding 2 new sections. "Debriefings and Coffee" also "Ground Crew", and changed a title to "Air Crew". All of these changes required moving photos, plus the addition of newly arrived photo's, with still more to add to most categories.

The "Air Crew" will hopefully be kept to nearly complete crews posed together.

"Debriefings and Coffee" many photo's of men drinking coffee and in meetings.

"Ground Crew" photos may include a few airmen in them, but as you slide cursor over it will indicate this.

In the "Airfield Activity" there is a very interesting picture of a link trainer in use, the rear gunner has insufficient fire power unless a Luftwaffe pilot walks in.

Future thoughts... I may set up a page with crew numbers that will indicate if a crew photo is posted on this site.

In the mean time, I will get some more pictures posted this week. Alan


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