Crash Site > The Ruurlo Crash Site (12) > Casualty Inquiry Form
On 23rd August 1945, I visited the town hall of RUURLO, (Map Ref. A1288, Sheet 2A 3A) to try and ascertain the where abouts of Sgt. Soderstrom's grave. The Town Clerk turned up his burial register and found that only one airman was buried in the Municipal Cemetery. The date of the burial was 17th June 1944. The body was unidentified and the rest of the crew were known to have either escaped capture or been taken prisoners. The body was (edited at request of family- A.S.) and was found in the fore part of the machine. The aircraft was identified as a Halifax and was the only aircraft to crash in the district.
I then proceeded to the scene of the crash, (Map Ref. A1683) which was in a field approximately three quarters of a mile from the main road through an appalling muddy track. The farmer confirmed that only one body was found in the aircraft and that the (edited web master). The aircraft was burned out; all trace had been removed by the Germans so the hope of getting some number plate of the aircraft was dashed.
However, from the evidence obtained (1) One man in aircraft, (ii) Rest of crew safe, (iii) Halifax aircraft, (iv) date of crash, 16017th June, 1944, it could only be Sgt. Soderstrom, now Can. J.90388 P/O C.V. Soderstrom.
E.C. Rideal (?)
Flight Lieutenant, Officer i/c,
No. 5 (Holland) Section
M.R.E.S. R.A.F., B.L.A.