Flight Path to Sterkrade-Holten, Germany and Return
The above flight route map is a copy of an original map from archives. Turning Points (TP) table is the Long./Lat. for reference in flight path. 321 aircraft belonging to Bomber Command flew these two routes in two waves. The slashed lines indicate the squadrons flight path departing their respective airfields (the set of slashed lines meet up with a solid line over the North Sea) which form the main bomber stream, then to Sterkrade.
After bombing Sterkrade (T/P-4 lower right corner in map) the bomber stream/flight path turned direction heading slightly northeast, and deeper into Germany (TP-5) at that point another turn north-west towards the Netherlands. TP-6 (Netherlands) the two waves will make their last designated turns to take them back to their home airfields.
Turning Points - First Wave
TP1: 52.23N - 03.40E > TP2: 51.55N - 05.00E > TP3: 51.55N - 06.00E > TP4: 51.31N - 06.51E
TP5: 52.00N - 07.00E > TP6: 52.30N - 05.50E > TP7: 52.35N - 04.35E > TP8: 54.10N - 01.22W
Turning Points - Second Wave
TP1: 52.10N - 03.20E > TP2: 51.20N - 04.40E > TP3: 51.43N - 06.03E > TP4: 51.31N - 06.51E
TP5: 52.00N - 07.00E > TP6: 52.00N - 05.10E > TP7: 51.30N - 00.45W > TP8: 54.10N - 01.22W
Courtesy Matt Lacroix - Bombercrew.com