In late Sept. 2015, my son and I visited our uncle Clarence's crash site at Ruurlo, The Netherlands. 71 years previously on 17th June 1944 piloted by Mike Laffin, Halifax LK801 was badly damaged by a Luftwaffe Nightfighter. The aircraft circled the community of Ruurlo, starboard engines on fire it made a final descent toward the house in center of picture. Sadly P/O Clarence V. Soderstrom was the only airman not to escape, his remains were retrieved from the burnt out fusilage by German soldiers early in the morning.
During the visit many details from that night were provided by living eyewitnesses, and family's whose parents and grandparents played a role in Uncle Clarence's burial. The crash is between the car on left and house, the fusilage and other pieces were scattered through an apple orchard and beyond.
On the 3rd Oct 2015 at 10 a.m. a memorial took place at the Ruurlo General Cemetery, at 11 a.m. the attendees drove a short distance to the crash site, then a lunch at a local restuarant in Ruurlo. The following are pictures from this memorable day.
"Pegasus Pipes & Drums" Major Dennis van Asselt and The Netherlands branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.